salam...kejap je dah 14 hr berpuasa... dis year pose byk kali gak i memasak kat rumah...hehehe even bz ngan my tuition class tp i will make sure before 5 i msti dh smpi uma...bufet ramadan? dpt lah rase sekali dua je..coz i heard so many things related of halal food in hotel so must be really carefull while choosing buffet ramadan...alamak baju raye tak beli lg...asik2 pikir baju tuk husband je tuk diri sendiri lupa nk last weekend merugut gak to my husband then he asked me to go jln TAR but ble pikir people conjusted, malas last mlm tue g gak just tgk2 je...coz last year raye we were excited to buy stuff for the house, dis year x benda plak nk when we were reached jln TAR no one either i berkenan ..end up wif empty stuff in my hand...(baju pun mcm design lame je..)...semalam inform husband, minta he bring me to PKNS to buy my baju kurung for raye...then he said ok but weekend he only free...anyway tq darling layan wife u yg choosy nie...
thn nie theme colour was grey...

selamat hari raye...
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