Last week after came back from school my friends n i went to presint 9 for warehouse sales but before we heading there we went to sogo coz im searching for my fav was my lovely crystal for hari raya...canister...prize?..rm250 after discounted...hehehe(actually used duit raye given by my hubby..tq darling)...but pn hajar n pn suzana with their empty hands...y? actually there was nothing interesting clothes or shoes either...
we reached putrajaya around 4 pm..start explored with foods available and end up with kids clothes....but the most i was really comfortable was their environment..y?..fully aircond babe!!..senang nk bejalan tak la panas...then we decided to berbuka at pn hajar's house so it was like small pot luck la coz b4 wewent to her house we went to bazar then bought some foods...after solat went back to kl suddenly my hp rang up...oooohhhhh i forgot that i have my tuition class i asked my students to wait for me while im remp- it my car...hahahaha..reached home around 9pm directly start my class n finish tuition class around was exausted day for me....tommorrow is school day.....
"manusia Hawa diciptakan dari rusuk manusia Adam, bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijunjung diatasnya, bukan pula dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasnya, tetapi disisinya untuk dijadikan teman hidupnya, dekat pada lenganya untuk dilindungi dan dekat dihatinya utk dicintai...Hari yang berlalu untuk direnungkan dan hari yang mendatang untuk kita corakkan..."
Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
day 14 of fasting....
salam...kejap je dah 14 hr berpuasa... dis year pose byk kali gak i memasak kat rumah...hehehe even bz ngan my tuition class tp i will make sure before 5 i msti dh smpi uma...bufet ramadan? dpt lah rase sekali dua je..coz i heard so many things related of halal food in hotel so must be really carefull while choosing buffet ramadan...alamak baju raye tak beli lg...asik2 pikir baju tuk husband je tuk diri sendiri lupa nk last weekend merugut gak to my husband then he asked me to go jln TAR but ble pikir people conjusted, malas last mlm tue g gak just tgk2 je...coz last year raye we were excited to buy stuff for the house, dis year x benda plak nk when we were reached jln TAR no one either i berkenan ..end up wif empty stuff in my hand...(baju pun mcm design lame je..)...semalam inform husband, minta he bring me to PKNS to buy my baju kurung for raye...then he said ok but weekend he only free...anyway tq darling layan wife u yg choosy nie...

thn nie theme colour was grey...

selamat hari raye...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
nite @ i-city shah alam its my turn to add a new entry... last friday when i was still in my office, my hp was rang up... insp zuhaimei call ajk g i-city shah alam..but i inform him tht im not sure can join or not coz my wife had her tuition class after school so i scared tht she was tired after tht..but after a few second my wife plak call ajk g i-city ( msti dah pakat ngan wife zuhaimei la nie)...
so after terawih ktorang pun bertolak around 9.30pm.luckly my wife quite well with area shah alam so tak la sesat mane pun..smpi sne jer mata dh teruja tgk lampu-lampu yang berwarna after bayar entrance rm10, parked keta then start lah explorasi kami...but rugi tak bwk camera dslr ramai plak yg bwk kat sane..nasib baik my wife bring her compact camera tht she keep in her hand bag posing2 time...later, rase mata berat sgt tgk2 jam dh kul 2 pagi .. directly g sahur kat seksyen 7...mamak restaurant la hehehe....
lastly, arrived at home around Zzzzzzzzz
so after terawih ktorang pun bertolak around 9.30pm.luckly my wife quite well with area shah alam so tak la sesat mane pun..smpi sne jer mata dh teruja tgk lampu-lampu yang berwarna after bayar entrance rm10, parked keta then start lah explorasi kami...but rugi tak bwk camera dslr ramai plak yg bwk kat sane..nasib baik my wife bring her compact camera tht she keep in her hand bag posing2 time...later, rase mata berat sgt tgk2 jam dh kul 2 pagi .. directly g sahur kat seksyen 7...mamak restaurant la hehehe....
lastly, arrived at home around Zzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ramadhan Al Mubarak 2010/1431H
Ramadhan is here once again. I would like to take this opportunity to wish my friends and blog visitors, Muslims and non-Muslims, to have a happy, fulfilling Ramadan and may Allah bless everyone!
May it be a joyous month and insyallah, a month of being closer to Him..
Monday, August 9, 2010
last kiss by pearl jam.
Do you know why I love music so much? Every song can remind me of something. A feeling, a person, an experience, a time in your life whether it be good, bad or in between.I'm sure you've heard this song on the radio and it immediately evokes emotion...whether it be a chuckle, smile, tear or a feeling you'd rather forget. Dis song remind me when i was doing my diploma in UITM..everytime i heard dis song my tears will rolls down ...dun know y mbe because of the story of dis song...
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven,
so I got to be good So
I can see my baby when I leave this world.
We were out on a date in my daddy's car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road, up straight ahead
A car was stalled,
the engine was dead
I couldn't stop,
so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin' tires,
the bustin' glass
The painful scream
that I heard last.
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven,
so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.
When I woke up, the rain was pourin' down
There were people standing all around
Something warm rollin' through my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head,
she looked at me and said
"Hold me darling just a little while."
I held her close,
I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew I would miss
But now she's gone,
even though I hold her tight
I lost my love, my life that night.
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven,
so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.
Oooh~ ooooh~
Sunday, August 8, 2010
farewell Pn hanizah@KGPA
Dedicate to our principle:
Today you are leaving,
going on your way
And we've gathered here to say
That you've done well over the years
And could probably write a play
About the letters you had in your sack
The griefs, the dramas the joys
And birthday cards that meant a lot
To so many girls and boys.
You brought bad news and good news too...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
weekend yg mmmmmm....
hai.....Another lonely weekend for me
Everyone in the house has gone to nowhere in weekend
And I'm still staying in the house
This shows that how loyal am I with the house hahaha...
actually so many event dis weekend, tht y i can't join my husband went back to his kampung..(yang jgn lupe blk bawak ole-ole tau hehehe) Everyone in the house has gone to nowhere in weekend
And I'm still staying in the house
This shows that how loyal am I with the house hahaha...
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