Alhamdullilah since akad nikah pd 25 Nov 2006 until now, kami masih lagi sbg suami isteri yang memerlukan antara satu sama words can describe how happy i am as a wife of Mohd Shapki bin Mat Jusoh@Raja Ahmad....krisis?kontroversi?dugaan?masalah? of course msti adakan...but no matter big or huge the problem is the way how u handle it...problem yg kecik2 tu anggap je la masalah yg manje2 je kan...
one of the best tips for the marriage is whenever you're wrong, admit it,whenever you're right, shut up.
Every year, aku la org yg slalu igt tarikh anniversary(mr.hubby mmg i admit slalu lupe tarikh anniversary, sib baik my besday die igt..hugh!) Normally anniversary kene time school holiday, so one of the bonus la for us to celebrate...Thn nie x celebrate ngan family, awal2 lg dh inform mr.hubby tht i wanna celebrate with my he gave me green light so i was so excited n really thankful(opkos la coz he was my banker rite!).
Salah satu program wajib was tgk movie together, its was just to spent time together...end up with shopping la..(so mr.hubby dh tau klau g midvalley msti die kene pow ngan wife so standby je la).
Aku nie jenis wat keje last minit, so mase nk jemput kengkawan dtg hotel, mlm tu bru aku sms diorang, nasib baik diorang free n ade yg bru pulang dr kampung so bernasib baik la jugak aku ni, cume yg sedih my really bestfriend Cikgu Suzana still kat kg lg so nak wat camne kene proceed gak coz mr.hubby dh wat reservation...but yg paling sporting semua husband join skali(basically jarang semua husbnd nk join tp kali nie diorang ok plak).
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Lepas abis tgk Skyfall,sempat rembat kasut, dgn alasan kasut yg lama dh haus sambil buat muka sedih hehehe |
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Cikgu Zaleha yg paling sporting n paling banyak membantu utk majlis kecik aku nie... |
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Cikgu Azira dtg ngan husband n ank yg bongsu je, Cikgu Norliza dtg ngan ank je cz hubby die keje.. |
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Mangsa utk jd cameraman ialah hubby2 yg ade la hehehe |
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The next day kami pun diundang ke sebuah majlis high tea di Cititel Hotel so kira celebrate kali ke-2 la hahaha |
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Paling syok klau high tea nie ialah desert yg super awesome! |
Anyway, setiap pasangan ade cara tersendiri utk mengingati hari yg penuh bersejarah yg dilalui dulu, x kira sama ade celebrate secara besar-besaran, kecil-kecilan ataupun sekadar ingat mengigati diantara satu sama lain...Yg penting keberkatan dalam sesuatu perkahwinan amat penting...
Btw.. Everyone has a right to love and be loved,
and nobody on this earth has the right to tell anyone that their love
for another human being is morally wrong.
happy anibeseri kakak...terus bahagia menyulam cinta hingga ke syurga :D
ReplyDeletetringat g kenduri kawen akak.sibok usha2 pengapit abg shapki bersama ain,huda n liza..hahhahhahah
tq ilya...wah mcm mane akk x tau pasal usha pengapit akk nie, klau x msti dh tolong kenen2 hehehe
ReplyDeleteilya can u imagine if all of us in one school, msti havoc sgt2 layan korang dulu...rase mcm diri mude je...hehehe
hehehhehe...setakat usha saje larrr...
ReplyDeleteskang semua da jauh2..utara selatan timur barat..ain kedah,liza kelantan, huda pahang..ntah bile la rezki nk berjumpa lagi kan ..ala ilya tgk gamba akak tak nampak bertambah usia pon..sweet je macam tak masok 30 lagi..auww