actually i really obses all novels...but the most interesting i already read was ombak rindu, n untill now x ade lg novel yg boleh challenge novel nie...jln cerita yg sentiasa klimaks n when u start to read this novel you really want to finish it to know the end of story...
thn nie plak demam filem yg diadaptasi dr novel
1st: lagenda budak setan...novel citer nie tebal nk mampus, it was my secondary school when i was in form 2...smpi arwah abah marah i x nk study dok sibuk nk abiskn novel die...n bile die wat movie, giler happening sanggup pujuk mr.hubby g tgk citer nie even dlm terpaksa die pun g la lyn gak..n lepas jer abis he gave a good responds for this movie...
nie la novel yg aku really mad it...
poster filem LBS(one of the reason mr.hubby blh ikot layan wayang nie cz ade lisa surihani la :)

2nd: bile i dgr ombak rindu nk wat filem i really cant wait to watch dis movie, awal2 lg nk booked ngan mr.hubby that i mmg nk sgt2 tgk citer nie, n with his good respond ktorg pun countdown la date yg akan dtayangkan, hr ke3 kmi pergi tiket mmg sold out so terus wat reservations for the nxt day tp dpt waktu pg 11.30, x kira la asalkan dpt tgk......
amik kaw pg2 tgk wayang...

but ble watak izzah dibg pd maya karin i was really shock cz dlm hati blk ker maya bwk watak gadis kg yg sgt naif...ble tgk cite nie she really made it!!! credit to aaron aziz yg bwk watak arizz yg kaya +handsome...aaron yg macho blh kua air mata smpai i pun x tau how many time i cried...kua dr wayang mr hubby dh dok nyakat i cz die tau la i dok nangis dlm wayang...
skali lg lisa surihani blakon tp watak antagonis plak...
mmg layaaaan la citer nie
sape2 yg lom tgk citer nie...g lah tgk hasil karya anak seni tempatan yg setanding ngan filem luar...dr dok layan citer seberang yg ntah ape2 lebih baik tgk citer dr negara sendiri...

sape2 yg lom tgk citer nie...g lah tgk hasil karya anak seni tempatan yg setanding ngan filem luar...dr dok layan citer seberang yg ntah ape2 lebih baik tgk citer dr negara sendiri...
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