can say every year AA mesti akan buat BIG SALE,as expected it's happening again this year. Walaupon bukan ZERO FARES macam tahun lepas, tapi still berbaloi2 untuk kami grab chance nih.
Last year kami dapat booked bandung& Langkawi, and next year and dis year insyaAllah, few destinasi akan kami kunjungi..kat mane yer tuh??....nah tentative for dis n next year trip...

habis duit gaji bln nie dok perabih kat AA, tp x pe as long as dpt jalan, tq mr.hubby the great supporter tetetete....

Langkawi 21/4/2012 till 24/4/2012 (not a school holiday....belanja mummy n adik)
Phuket 5/6/2012 till 7/6/2012 (juz a two of us hehehe)
habis duit gaji bln nie dok perabih kat AA, tp x pe as long as dpt jalan, tq mr.hubby the great supporter tetetete....
memang memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi nak booked tiket AA nih..so uolls jgn give up okeh!!! pukul 5 pg tau i bgn semata-mata nk booked tiket....
Now Everyone Can Fly- yes its very true!!!
Thanks AA!!!
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