10.00am-2.00pm: pepagi je mr.hubby ajak g bfast kat bangi, so layan jelah, actually mr.hubby nk g service kete comey, coz sian kete tu sejak semalam batty die kong so mr.hubby takut nti meragam lg sebelum ape2 penyakit die kua so baik g wat check-up dulu...hehehe

ok ready...lets go...

tgk brochure...ade promosi x?
ble perut dh kenyang, malas nye nk tunggu kete discharge hehehe, tibe2 terlintas plak.

muka boring....
me: yg blh x tukar radio bru tuk kete comey...sian die radio xde cd player...
mr.hubby: watpe, u g sek. bukan bawak die pun...die asik tido je...
me: yelah i malas nk bwk die coz x blh main lagu cd, tu yg i boring ble bwk die..(smbil otak ligat memikir reason yg paling power)
mr.hubby: yelah2 tp promise lepas nie at least once a week bwk die g sek. k
me: ok promise!! luv u la....
finally, dpt jgk kete comey tukar radio bru hehehe...n yg x best nye kempis lg la pocket mr. hubby hehehe

taraaa....radio baru....pilihanku
8.00pm-10.00pm: hr nie class tuition should be xde tp disebabkan next weekend ade fiesta so student minta wat replacement class in advance..so i pikir ok la, in the same time it make me easy as well...
home tuition students..(nampak x laptop kat atas meja tu, student blaja cikgu update blog hehehe)
haha...radio sebijik aku punya...u punya citarasa sama ngan hubby i la..