7.15 a.m, hr nie dtg awal skit coz time start kete tgk lampu minyak dah bernyala nk diisikan, so singgah my favorite place, where else? petronas lah hehehe

7.30-1.50pm: pg2 2 period clas ngan 5 cekap tp x dpt nk ngajar pun coz pengetua berucap kat assembly abis satu mase, pastu satu mase lg tuk taklimat kesihatan form 5, burn gitu je class aku, planned hr nie nk finish up transformation topic coz next week nk masuk matrices, another one thing aku kene observe ngan pn.lim siok kian next thursday at 5 cekap, hopefully everything as i planned...(actually a lil a bit nervous gak bile nk kene observe tp bersyukur sgt2 yg observe aku dis time agak linen org nye hehehe)
1.50-7.45pm: bell rang up, today i should hav a tuition class, but cant make it today coz pn.suzana ajak g mydin subang tuk bjalan2 so amik kesempatan hr nie spent my time wif my lovely friend(dh lame x kua ngan die sejak pn.suzana jd ketua panitia math). smpai je mydin terus g makan dulu wif my favorite sizzling yee mee.. thanks to pn suzana to pay everything hehehe makan free tuuu...

from mydin terus g giant(sebelah jer) coz yesterday we heard tht giant going to close so they make clearance stok...apalagi mcm x cukup tgn je...imagine mangkuk brand pyrex only rm10...so grab it all hehehe and yg paling best tu siap beli stok choclate byk gile for our new project hehehe project?!! we r going to make a small bisness yea yea yea

8.10-10.00pm: smpai je kat uma, lif terbukak je...tgk2 student ku dh tggu kat uma..
student: hah! cikgu bru smpi dr sekolah ke, kesian cikgu terus nk ajar tuition plak( smbil terkejut tgk aku still pakai bju kurung pg td hehehe)
me: ala..i ok je...i kan kuat n workholic (peh!!sebeno nye aku mmg gile2 penat..tp control beb..takkan nk cancel clas plak...)
11.30pm: tgk menaip blog...pasnie zzzzzzzz

sgt amat rajen ekk
ReplyDeletebuat2 rajin la adikku oi...hehehe