just came back from shopping for hari raya..:)
awal? biar la awal nti mcm last year..last minute bru terkial2 nk beli bju raya..last2 saiz x de n pilihan pun limited huhuhu..
so thn nie awal2 dh sediakan payung hehehe...
actually nk g mydin subang tuk beli brg dapur..tetiba ternampak gulatis so jengah la kejap tp bukan jengah malah terbeli plak...luckly mr.hubby gave green light plus he spend a lot of money for me to buy my kain for raye...raye theme? will be upload during raya la...
ops..almost forgotten to tell mydin we bought some prawn, kerang n really want to cook today...hehehe
I used to stock up lots of instant finger food like sausage, burger, drummets nuggets and so on...but dis time changed little bit...

ketam yg selamat di masak
Since I've been allergic to seafood for so long, I haven't been cooking this type of seafoods for a long long time.
I thought to myself......why not ya? Why not? It's not going to kill me anyways. It will probably make me itch just a bit. :P

I don't eat seafood everyday anyways. I've just started taking them since I'm on my supplements lately. The supplements really helps in aiding my allergies. So, I can eat seafood and not get a very bad side effects from it. But I always remember not to overdose anything. Take anything in moderation. :)
NOT Pretty healthy dish! :(
air sirap jer..
mr hubby said: sedap nye...kan best klau hr2 ayang msk... (alamak!!...nampak gayenye x blh show of skill slalu...hehehe) so now that fat has join the rest of the fat at our tummy...LOL! Alhamdulillah.....