Here I come again to share with all my readers my latest pic during my Brunei trip 3 weeks past. I must say thank you God because giving me such an awesome opportunity to enjoy and seen the beautiful scenery and view created by you . And of course aside for me it is such of great moment and experienced that I could not express with words. :-). Happy viewing peeps.
agak lame x update entri...normally, klau dh akhir thn nie bz ngan trial SPM ape lg klau x kene marking paper huhuhu,
so ade free time nie i update skit about our last trip to brunei...anyone has been to brunei? msti ramai kate tak..actually klau org tanya y we chose brunei? the answer is simple because the tickets offered was cheap!!! can u imagine its was only RM170 for 3 pax...!!!!
before nk g sane i cari gak entri2 yg blh menolong mase kat brunei but tak byk org m'sia yg ke sane so with some tips we just went there with no ideas....

Again, the tourist guide drove me around. We went to several places. One of them was Istana Nurul Iman (Istana means palace) which is the residence of Sultan Brunei. Too bad, no one was allowed to visit the palace except during Hari Raya when the Sultan is having open house.
Next stops were museums; The Brunei Museum and Royal Regalia Museum. Nothing to shout about for the museums. I didn't take any photos as well. However, some might find Royal Regalia Museum is a must visit in Brunei because visitors can take a look at the Sultan's full royal regalia.
we went for a boat ride around Kampung Air (Water Village). All the houses are built on stilts over water. For your interests, Kampung Air here is the largest in the world. population around 10,000 peoples..everything all in...schools, pam station, mosque etc..
i concluded this trip with....
1) negara yang sangat memartabatkan tulisan jawi...boleh lihat semua kedai, hotel n building ade signboard jawi...terharu sgt2...
2) negara yang mempunyai rakyat yang sedikit around 600,000 x smpai satu juta, tht y no jammed in the road, quite rare to see xcident...nk dgr honk pun payah tau...
3) even semua dlm dollar ($1=RM2.80) but makanan mmg really murah giler even u convert with our money...n kedai mkn mmg terlalu byk...n sedap compared i was in indon...rakyat die suka makan luar...
4) negara yang sgt2 kaya tp very humble....the most surprise was bangunan yg dibina x blh tinggi drpd masjid...believe it?....
5) rakyat sgt patuh kepada sultan...mase naik teksi boleh dikatakan teksi driver akan cite yg baik2 je ttg sultan...n channel tv n radio asik2 berkaitan ngan sultan diorang...biase la monarki system...
6)shopping?... dis part yg paling sedih...negara yg x best nk shopping...y? rakyat die pun shopping negara kita...expensive woooo...
finally...i went of my memorable memories....luv this country but i really proud to be malaysian.....hehehe
see u on my next trip....