lame tak update...biasela buat2 bz ...
mase pose hari tu me n pn norliza lari jap g shopping raye...lari? macam hari sukan lak....kat mane? opkos la my faverite place...sogo? mid valley? pavillion? no no no....its bandung!!! dis time g sane totally for shopping jer...
2nd time g bandung but still x puas lagi..dis time was my 1st time pose kat negara org....xcited n sedih hehehe
travel 2 org hubby x g coz bln 9 nk g brunei so he need to save his money heehehehe

happy2 nk shopping.....@lcct...masuk flight n berbuka huhuhuhu....

@ paris van java....

dlm shopping mall ade sawah padi tau....

us n org2....vogue giler org2 kat sane....

kedai kasut yg hppening....

the cheapest shoes....rm10 je....i beli dua tau....

sesak giler...pasar baru....

merasa jgk naik becak!!

dpn nie i dh pernah pose so turn liza plak....

kedai yg plg syiooookkk giler....nxt time nk g lagi....

confius nk pilih yg mane...the one im holding belum bacuh lg....

inside the trio hotel....very convenience....

the last place was kartika sari...specialist for brownies n biscuits...kuih raye thn nie almost from K.S...

sempat pose....

liza pun pling byk beli....

ok time to go....

bye2 bandung n see u part 3....
really enjoyed this trip....hope will come again with pn ct hajar n pn suzana....